Minutes of Special Members' Meeting - September 26, 2000

Members Present: Mike Murphy, Howard Neu, Jay Stahl, Jeff Stoller

Members Absent (excused): Mo Christie, John Pickett, Gretchen Farmer

The meeting was called to order by President Howard Neu at 7:30 PM.

Howard explained to those residents present that the purpose of this meeting was to set a slate of nominees for the Board of Directors election to be held at the Annual Meeting on October 24, 2000 in accordance with our Bylaws and that additional nominations would be taken from the floor at that meeting. That being said, nominations were taken from the floor and the following names were placed in nomination for the 2001 Board of Directors in order of nomination:

Howard Neu

Jeff Stoller

Jay Stahl

Mike Murphy

John Pickett

Gretchen Farmer

Mo Christie

Chester Gladue

Keith Lowe

A question was raised from the floor as to what the Directors do. Howard explained the duties and responsibilities.

President's Report. Howard gave his President's report and updated those in attendance on the current situation having to do with the construction at the Dykes Road entranceway and briefly went through his correspondence with county officials on this matter including what to do about the destroyed trees.

A discussion also took place about the damage being done to the fence on 1-75 by FDOT during their landscaping project on the highway. A question was asked about who is responsible for the damage. A fence committee will be set up and report back at the next meeting.

Treasurer's Report. Jeff reported the following figures: checking account, $4,320; money market, $13,071; money market (reserve fund), $12,028; cd (reserve fund), $20, 865 for a total of $50,286.

Corresponding Secretary Report. Jay reported that the 4 outstanding liens against residents for non-payment of this years' assessment have now been cleared and that all delinquent accounts are up to date with all fees being paid.

Landscaping. Mike reported the following:

Electrical is complete at the new sign at the north end for lights.

Looking into lights in lake area on north end

Looking into a fountain in the north end lake

Informed the Board the tree in front of the new sign will be moved

Suggested that new Board should address trimming the ficus trees along the 1-75 corridor

There was a discussion about the possible replacement of the Queen Palms at the Stirling Entrance with 20 foot Royal Palms to bring our entranceway in conformity with that at Waverly. The existing Queen Palms would be relocated to the canal crossover on Huntridge Road. Mike received a quote from Pan American landscaping to do the entire job for $3,255. Jay made a motion to approve which was seconded from the floor by Max Engels, an owner. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.

Old Business. None

New Business. As a result of the construction on Dykes Road, it was noted that many of the sprinkler heads needed repair. Mike said he would make sure the repairs got done.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jay H. Stahl

Corresponding Secretary


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