General Meeting

Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000

Location: Community Room


Present: Howard Neu, Mo Christie, Gretchen Farmer, Jeff Stoller, John Pickett, and Mike Murphy


Absent: Jay Stahl

The meeting was called to order by Howard Neu at approximately 7:40 P.M. Howard then led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of directors was taken, with Jay being the only director absent.

The following matters were discussed:

1. Additional Street Lights. Two additional letters had been sent to Florida Power & Light regarding the completion of the installation of the additional street lights. The Association's original letter to FP&L was back in April of 1999. It was reported that the lights are finally being installed and should be functioning within a very short time.

2. Huntridge Fence. The fence had still not been removed by the owner, even though the final deadline date had passed. Upon motion made and seconded, it was unanimously approved that the Association proceed with having the fence removed, the cost of which would be assessed against the owner.

3. Treasurer's Report. Jeff reported the following balances: checking - $8,087.14; money market - $33,819.33; money market - $13,877.58: certificate of deposit - $20410.61. Total funds - $76,894.66. The CD was maturing and would be rolled over. Jeff would be contacting Don Elbert, last year's Treasurer, to find out the history of the money market fund for the reserves and which of the two money markets was set up for the reserves

4. North Entrance Sign. Vicki Bodstrom advised that Rolf had run into several delays due to the Town of Davie's requirements. Mike reported that he spoke to Bob Rawls and that Bob would make sure that everything was taken care of. Mike will contact the Town to follow through with these approvals.

5. Storage Facility. Apparently there had been some complaints from residents of Waverly 100 regarding the suggested entrance road into the storage facility. Nothing definite yet on whether the facility will be okayed for the area.

6. Picnic. The picnic will be held on April 30, 2000 at Tree Tops Park. Vicki and Carol Stoller stated that there had been not enough notice. Mo advised that the date of the picnic had first appeared in the January newsletter.

New Business:

The Association had received some correspondence from Sharon Kent of the Town of Davie regarding Broward Beautiful and the funding of the sum of $5,000.00. Howard would contact Sharon to get more information. It was suggested that possibly the Stirling Road median could be beautified, with additional plantings, but especially the installation of an irrigation system.

Vicki inquired about any possible plans for repaving the roads in Hawkes Bluff. Mike would contact the Town to ask about improvement plans for the community, i.e., repaving, fixing sidewalks, etc.

Mo spoke about the results of getting quotes for the pressure cleaning of the common area sidewalks. In order not to have a company do the pressure cleaning who will have to have a truck with water, homeowners adjacent to the sidewalks will be contacted to see if they would be willing let the Association use their water, but be reimbursed for the amount of water used.

The Association was contacted regarding its website and whether our Association wanted to be linked to other similar websites. It was indicated that we would not follow-up on this inquiry.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for May 23, 2000.

There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Gretchen Farmer

Recording Secretary


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